Camera Angles


In class, I learned that different camera angles have different purposes. I used my sister as my model to be able to show some of the different camera angles. This is useful for me to know because for my magazine I will be analyzing different music videos and I need to know what the different angles mean. I will also have to take pictures for the cover. 

An eye-level can create a connection with a character. 

Low camera angles are typically used to show that a person is powerful. 

High Angles are used to show that a character is inferior or show that at that moment they're weak. 

(My sister got tired and refused to let me take more pictures of her).
Other camera angles include:
- Overhead shot or birds-eye view is when the camera is directly above the character looking down. They can be used to showcase complex movements (like in a fighting scene), to show the scene of a crime, and etc. 

- Shoulder level shots show the character in a lower angle but without the negative connotation that the low camera angles have. They're usually used during conversations or to show differences in height. 


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