Exotic Pets
Some exotic pets (that are legal to own in the U.S) include:
- Anteater
- Tiger
- Foxes
- Tarantulas
- Alligator
- Wallabies
- Llama
- Cougar
An Exotic pet by definition is a rare or unusual pet that is kept in human households which is why the animals above are considered exotic pets.
Famous surrealist painter Salvador Dali owned an anteater.
Mike Tyson owned a pet tiger.
Cheryl Hines owned an Emu (it passed away a couple of years ago).
Owning an exotic pet is very expensive. Depending on the animal you chose, they will have a very specific diet that could be very costly. Especially big animals like lions and tigers can go through a lot of meat and it would probably be thousands of dollars each year just for the food. You also need to take into account where you will keep the animal because they need a lot of space. There are also visits to the vet which will also be very costly because not every vet is equipped to handle pets like tigers, lions, fawns, etc. And the vet will probably be far away from you.
Regular pets like dogs and cats can be quite costly as well but having an exotic pet will require a lot of money.
Putting money aside, you also have to take into account that a lot of people believe that owning these pets are not ethical because they are not meant to be domesticated animals. So a lot of people will get a lot of backlash for owning an exotic pet. You also run the risk of getting hurt while owning an exotic pet. These animals are meant for the wild and owning a tiger, a lion, a tarantula, etc. can be dangerous because you never know when/who they will attack.
Links of websites used to find the images;
- https://www.euclidlibrary.org/tickle/anteaters
- https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/boxing/mike-tyson-regrets-owning-big-21832923
- https://www.anothermag.com/design-living/1387/audrey-hepburn-and-her-fawn
- https://www.britannica.com/animal/emu
- https://www.eonline.com/news/804920/remember-that-time-melanie-griffith-owned-a-pet-lion
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