Magazine Contents page Analysis - Preliminary Task
Each magazine is different and depending on the magazine the contents page will look different. But, it's usually always the same when it comes to having information, subheadings, headings, and a picture.
On the vogue contents page there the title, which is Vogue, and then there are little subheadings like "Fashion", "Special Features", and etc. Each subheading is followed by a couple of small paragraphs. These paragraphs help indicate where each part of that story is located. So under the special features, there is "126 Guitar Hero." The picture is located on the right under the title.
For the picture that I uploaded that just says "Contents" (It should be the middle one with the yellow background), The picture of the guy is located on the left this time, still under the title. It has the date which for this magazine was October 12 and then it also has some subheadings such as "Top diet myths busted." Under each subheading, there is a little synopsis.
The first picture that I included does a lot better job at explaining and breaking down the contents page. I don't really know how to fully break down the magazine yet, keyword being yet. The picture explains everything from how the yellow title makes it easier to read to how the magazine is divided into three columns so that the audience can read it better. (The explanations are there and I don't want to repeat the information especially since it's not my own but it is useful information and it does a good job at breaking it down which is why I have included it).
Where I got the photos from:
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