Reflection On the Syllabus

As I'm reading through the Media Studies Syllabus I am getting excited about the magazine that I am going to create. I've never really created anything like this and it will be a completely new experience for me. 

It says that I can either work in a group or individually, everyone still has to create their own magazine or film, and I have chosen to work individually on this magazine. 

I am a little nervous about this magazine though because I want to create the best possible magazine that I can create. The magazine, or film because you could have chosen the opening of a film instead, is worth 50% of my score. The other half of the exam will be two separate questions, one on a scene of a movie and the other a question of our choice. We will have two hours for Section A of the exam (the questions). 
I think that I will do fine on the exams. Even though I'm nervous about it, I have a lot of time to prepare and study and learn the material. 


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