Pet Research Part 1 - All about Dogs

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. There are many reasons why someone may want to adopt a dog.
These reasons are usually: 
  1. They want a running buddy.
  2. They want companionship.
  3.  They want an addition to the family.
  4. Dogs for search and rescue work.
  5. Service dogs.

Dogs truly man best friends and will be there for you no matter what but not all dog breeds work for everyone.

If you have a very active lifestyle then you would most likely want a very energetic dog breed and/or a younger dog. Some dog breeds that might be good for a person who likes to go on runs frequently are: 
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Dalmations
- Russell Terrier
- Siberian Husky
- Golden Retriever

If you have a more laid back lifestyle and you just kind of want companionship these dog breeds might be the best for you:
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bulldog
- French Bulldog
- Irish Wolfhound

If you want a family dog these dog breeds might be ideal for you:
- Golden Retriever
- Poodle
- Bull Terrier
-Border Collie

If you want a dog for search and rescue Bloodhounds, Basset Hound, and German Shepard might be the best breeds for this.

Dog breeds most commonly used for service dogs are: 
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
-German Shepard

Honestly, any dog breed can work for whatever you want a dog for; you just need to take precautions and do research. Bigger dogs obviously weigh more and need more room so if you live in an apartment where the weight limit is 75lbs then a Newfoundland is NOT the right dog for you. You also have to take into account their diets and find out what you can and cannot feed dogs. You also have to budget for vet visits and put some money aside just in case they need surgery. No matter what dog breed you get you still have to train them and I'm pretty sure you'll be happy. Keep in mind having a pet is a big responsibility and this living, breathing animal is now dependent on you so please make sure you are ready before you adopt a dog.

Dogs have an average lifespan of about 15 years. You will also have to take your dog to the vet about every year or so. You should talk to your veterinarian about the following vaccines for your dogs: 

  • Canine Distemper virus
  • Parvovirus
  • Adenovirus (canine hepatitis)
  • canine parainfluenza
  • rabies      <- The link that was used to get the picture


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